Welcome to God Hates Abuse
Hope in the midst of despair, clarity in the fog of confusion, and inspiration to step out courageously and live the joyful and fulfilling life God meant for you to have.
I will always be thankful God brought you into my life, God used you to help me get out and today I am free! (name withheld)
I have just read the truly EXCELLENT book "God Hates Abuse" by Robin Mullins Senger. It can be obtained free of charge from her website. Her God Hates Abuse Project seeks to expose the false doctrine of headship and submission that sanction abuse, and offer biblical concessions for freedom from abuse and peace with God. She is a DV survivor who at one time thought it would be better to be murdered by her religious husband than disappoint God.
Julie Owens, Violence Against Women Consultant
Thank you for sharing your heart. I was deeply touched by your passion and heart for the Lord and for those that are in painful, challenging and even dangerous situations… WOW! God has brought you through so very much. Thank you for writing, thank you for loving God and your kids and thank you for being vulnerable and real about your journey. May God continue to direct your journey and allow you to bring courage, hope and healing to others through HIS Word and through the ministry of His Holy Spirit. (name withheld)
It would be so easy, and probably expected, that a Christian woman who has gone through an abusive relationship would turn away from God in anger, perhaps even blame Him for the whole situation, especially when teaching from the Church adds to the guilt and torment. But Robin has not done that. She has, in fact, turned toward our heavenly Father for healing, hope and comfort.
It could be also expected that such a woman would withdraw into herself, seek to isolate herself and be totally consumed with her own life and needs. Robin has not done that either. Robin has turned in the opposite direction with a passion to see others receive the healing and hope and comfort that she herself has received.
The Apostle Paul speaks about the comfort we receive from God and about “passing it on” in the opening chapter of his second letter to the Corinthians. Robin is doing that with a quiet and humble heart and I believe that this is a sign of a true calling from God. If you are looking to sort out the truth from the confusion, especially in a spiritually abusive situation, here is someone who has walked through it and is extending a helping hand.
David Michael Boyd, Living Fire Arts
Hi Robin, Wow, just read your story. What an experience! You write so creatively and intriguingly. Can’t wait to read the rest of the story!!! I had no idea that you had taken this journey in your life. God was there and taught you profound lessons. You have much to offer others. I want to encourage you to keep writing!!! (name withheld)
I came across an eye opening book recently. God Hates Abuse by Robin Mullins Senger. She has written this book to help others who have experienced Christian domestic abuse while relating her story of an abusive Christian marriage. Her ability to lay out biblical truth in regard to abuse is amazing. I learned so much from her book...
Taffy Hunter Mathison, Ordained Minister
Robin, through your writings I see such an amazing woman of God whose life story of the past didn’t define her or her future. You are a passionate overcomer and have the heart to help move others from their crisis points to knowing the love that Father God has for them and that He has a plan to prosper them and give them hope and a future. One person at a time, one day at a time, you are a beacon of hope. (name withheld)
There comes a time in a person’s life where the desire to move forward and do great things surfaces from a place of self-respect, self-worth and a desire to do great things… Ever since she became a part of my divorce recovery support group, she has continually displayed characteristics that are both admirable and contagious.
Robin exudes integrity, strength and a strong desire to create a new and fulfilling life for herself, as well be an asset to others. I have noticed how Robin continually displays determination… by acknowledging and accomplishing all the little things that need to get done in order to reach a bigger goal. Robin pays attention to the details and her integrity ensures that nothing will slip through the cracks. She is focused, goal-oriented and passionate about her life and what she wants to do next! She is loyal, honest and such a pleasure to be around!
Sara Hunter, Rise Again Counseling
Superb Robin! You are a phenomenal teacher! Your written communication is inspiring and absolutely stellar in the way your stories unfold. The world needs to hear you wisdom. Is it time to start writing that book ;-). Thank you so much for your honest sharing. Your writings can penetrate and heal the heart. Don’t hesitate to share your gift with the world. (name withheld)

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Robin Mullins. I have known her for several years. I have found Robin to be compassionate, understanding, wise and mature. Her heart for women that are broken because of abuse is unquestionable. I have personally watched her work with women that are hurting and have appreciated her professionalism, integrity and sensitive caring heart.
Michael Simonov, Prayer Team Leader

Robin is a Godly woman who is reaching out to others with a message of compassion and action that is aligned with Jesus’ heart and New Testament teachings. She inspires through her own courage and is truly an instrument of His peace.
Gordon Nuttall, Retired Entrepreneur

Robin has a powerful testimony of the way God can change lives. She speaks about abusive relationships in a way that is tender, loving, and approachable. Robin shares God’s heart in wanting women to get out of bad relationships and get INTO relationship with their heavenly father. Robin’s message of healing and restoration through a relationship with God is one that we all need to hear.
Linda Windisch, Missionary

Robin has a touching story of strength through struggle and courage through crisis. Her inspirational journey is one that can bring hope to anyone, especially those hurting through an abusive relationship. Robin speaks through a tender, loving and unbreakable Godly spirit. She is truly a joy to know.
Sonee Kumro, Travel Advisor

Robin is one of those very special persons who not only is great in her field of excellent service, but overall, is a Number One Draft Choice. Very professional, personable and you will receive the best results from all that you will have her accomplish on your behalf. I highly recommend Robin for her “Excellent” work and personality.
Robert Miller, NFL Veteran and Pastor