Welcome to God Hates Abuse
Hope in the midst of despair, clarity in the fog of confusion, and inspiration to step out courageously and live the joyful and fulfilling life God meant for you to have.
I am a survivor of DV and now a licensed therapist who works as a counselor at a DV agency. I have several clients currently struggling with this dilemma of reconciling the religious things they have been taught all their lives about marriage/divorce/submission and the realities of abuse for themselves and their children. I've been searching for something like this to share with them!!! Putting this on my resource list. Thank you so much!!
I found your book after experiencing physical violence from my husband. I quickly realized that the circle of people I married into all condoned abuse. Your book has been a desperately needed light and source of encouragement. I wanted to reach out to you to say Thank You for sharing your story of triumph in sound biblical truth. May you and your family be blessed.
Get your FREE paperback book. More than one book request is subject to availability.
I currently serve families experiencing homelessness. We have two transitional houses for women and their children experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence. I am also a DV survivor with my own story and found your book to be very healing in my relationship with God. I recommended your book to several folks on my team and many of them have read it and are recommending the book to others. One of our case managers recommended your book to one of her clients. This client is not a believer and had a very distorted view of God. However, she has been open to praying with her case manager, reading your book, and is very excited and now open to the gospel. So I wanted to thank you for allowing the Lord to use your story.
I’m looking forward to reading your book and will be adding your book/website to my “resources” page on my website. I have begun sharing my story on my blog in ways that I hope are helpful to others. I am looking forward to offering your website and support groups as a resource to those who contact me. Again, thank you for the resource you are providing here.
My former husband is a pastor. I am working with our local domestic violence agency to develop a program to present to the faith communities in our area to educate them about domestic violence. Your book will be an asset for our work.
Could I get a total of three copies? I would love to have a couple to gift... There is a donation box in our local city park, that's where I will put at least one copy.
I work as a counseling supervisor in a domestic violence agency. We are happy to receive this free copy. Thanks so much. I’ve referred many survivors to this text.
Thank you so much for your generosity! I look forward to reading your book and sharing it with others. I will keep in mind your offer to request more. We are in the process of planning training for our faith advisory group to equip them to reach out to and educate the faith communities in our area. We are also looking at materials to give the faith communities, so your book could fit right in.
I am the director for a domestic violence and sexual assault organization. I would like to get these books for our shelter's library, for staff speaking in the faith based communities, for our Christian counselors, and for our local church leaders who interact with our organization. I also plan to download the electronic copy to share as well.
I am a manager at a domestic violence shelter and this book will be so very helpful for us! I am so grateful that I came across this resource for our families! Thank you for having this out there for us!
I work for a Domestic & Sexual Violence agency. I am going to keep these books on my shelf and also encourage my clients to download the ebook!
I am requesting the book to pass on to a woman, who could benefit from reading the book. Too often, pastors tell women to be more submissive, or just sweep domestic violence under the rug. God bless you, for having the courage to leave, and write about it.
I'm a former battered Pastor's wife. Thank you for this book.